What is MilleaLab?
MilleaLab is a 3D and Virtual Reality (VR) media-based learning and creation platform launched in 2019. MilleaLab uses cloud technology that makes it easier for students to access virtual worlds created by educators. By using MilleaLab, users can create educational content based on Virtual Reality (VR) technology easily, quickly and affordably. MilleaLab makes teaching and learning more fun and impactful!

Pedagogical-Technological Approach
Maintaining the appropriate technological context for the teaching-learning process
Community Based
MilleaLab enlivens a community whose members interact intensively with each other to continue to innovate
Variation of Methods and Guidance
The method is suitable for face-to-face, hybrid, or online
Vision and Mission

Build and connect all educational networks in Indonesia with Virtual Reality technology, so as to revive the maximum harmonization between schools-educators-students-parents.

Immersive technology has greater benefits if we can apply it optimally in society. Regardless of the technological variants of immersive media and how they develop, impact is the only key.



Trained Educators

VR Ambassadors

Advisors Team

Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Eko Indrajit
Pedagogy Advisor

George Erlangga Siregar
Business Advisor

Roy Simangunsong
Branding Advisor
MilleaLab Team
Our dedicated team for the rapid progress of MilleaLab

​Realizing the Happiness of Learning in Indonesia's Golden Generation