“Pekan Bukti Karya Komunitas Belajar is a space for educators to showcase the work of learning communities in education. Komang Elik Mahayani, ST, an educator from SMP Negeri 1 Negara, Bali shared her good practices by showcasing MilleaLab as a Virtual Reality education platform.”
Interesting stories related to the world of Virtual Reality (VR) Education MilleaLab this time comes through Komang Elik Mahayani, ST., an educator from SMP Negeri 1 Negara, Bali. Recently, Komang Elik Mahayani, ST. contributed as a Pendekar VR as well as a representative of the Acitya Aksata Learning Community of SMP Negeri 1 Negara in the Pekan Bukti Karya Komunitas Belajar. MilleaLab once again became the main topic that Komang Elik Mahayani, ST. brings in the context of spreading the good impact of VR implementation in the world of education. Pekan Bukti Karya Komunitas Belajar itself is an exhibition initiated by the Bali Province Balai Guru Penggerak (BGP) for all selected Learning Communities.
The selected learning community is a community that is considered good, runs consistently and continuously. Komang Elik Mahayani, ST. said, "As a representative of the Acitya Aksata Learning Community of SMP Negeri 1 Negara, I presented Virtual Reality-based learning media because this media has been used as one of the innovative learning media and is currently trending, in accordance with the nature of the times." In addition, she admitted that the exhibition activities were fully supported by MilleaLab, so she was motivated to disseminate the ease of making VR learning content.
MilleaLab's exhibition at the three-day Pekan Bukti Karya Komunitas Belajar is a direct space for active learning communities to showcase innovative work. "The atmosphere during the Pekan Bukti Karya Komunitas Belajar was really fun and interesting for me because we visited all the learning communities that were displaying their work. We can adapt the things that we think are good to be actualized at school," said Komang Elik Mahayani, ST. Furthermore, unlike other innovative exhibition activities, Komang Elik Mahayani, ST. says that she faced no challenges at all.
"The exhibition went very smoothly and well. Then, all the proofs of work from the entire learning community were also well displayed," said Komang Elik Mahayani, ST. who continued, "Learning community participants from other schools were also enthusiastic in displaying their proofs of work. They were also very enthusiastic to see and try technology in education." Furthermore, like any activity that has goals and expectations. The Pekan Bukti Karya Komunitas Belajar aims to be an innovative space for all active learning communities to showcase their work.
The implementation of MilleaLab VR in the world of education is one of the exhibitions of evidence of innovative work delivered by the Acitya Aksata Learning Community of SMP Negeri 1 Negara in the Pekan Bukti Karya Komunitas Belajar. With this exhibition, Komang Elik Mahayani, ST. hopes, "Pekan Bukti Karya Komunitas Belajar can be used as a platform for educators to display good real actions in learning to students. The learning does not only involve intracurricular, but the implementation of P5 (Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila) which invites all educators to build and develop good character in students."